Friday, March 14, 2008

Day Four: Cross-Examining Inmate Jerry Scott

Jerry Scott says he met with police twice, but called dozens of times. Defense asks if he was keeping close track of things via the TV of what's going on television.

Scott says no, that the things he was told about the case came from Flaco. Defense asks if he can speak Spanish. He says no. She asks if the words told to him by Flaco were told in fluent English. Scott says it was not as clearly as the defense and he are talking, but it was so that he could understand.

Defense asks if he called attorneys in Utica because he "was a good citizen." He says "yes," but points out it is also to help himself out.

Defense asks if everything he says today came strictly from conversations between himself and Wesley Molina-Cirino. Scott says that about 5 times Cirino said "his cousin, Jose, did it."

Defense asks if it was from what Scott heard that he made the assumption Flaco did it. Scott says yes.

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