Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Day Two: Measuring what it take for Cirino to move from one part of Neilson to the other

A vile of Officer Lindsey's blood that had been collected at his death, a similar but different swab sample than the ones earlier, this from Luis Peretta, and one from Cirino, is brought up by prosecution and placed before Officer Facciolo.

When the Neon was stopped, Facciolo said, some processing happened, with samples of the blood and brain matter taken from the Neon at John Street.

Prosecution then asks Facciolo if at the request of the D.A. he timed and measured what it would take someone of similar stature to Cirino to walk, fast walk, and run from 1125 Neilson to 1305 Neilson Street.

Despite some technological malfunctions with the equipment, Facciolo uses the large board to point out the area discussed in this "test."

Two officers similar in stature (Keith Johnson And Ed Solmovic(sp?) were the officers Facciolo selected to perform the walk, runs, fast walks from one point to another. Facciolo followed alongside the officers in a police car, with a stopwatch.

Defense has objected on relevance. Judge has sustained it saying it's pure speculation.

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