Friday, March 14, 2008

Day Four: DNA extracted from swab samples

Lester says she was able to extract DNA from the swab samples she was given if Rivera, Diaz, Diaz's son - Luis, and Flaco.

Lester is shown a copy of charts made from her report of the evidence. In her original report, they appeared in black and white, but for the sake of the court, they are colorized. Each person's DNA sample is assigned a different color, for the ease of viewing of the jury.

For the purposes of demonstration, the charts are then admitted into evidence, with no objections from the defense.

Shown to the jury as well as to the court via the large view screen, Lester points out the series of columns on the chart that represent the different locations of the DNA where uniqueness is looked for, along with columns marking the chromosomes X or Y (male or female), and the profiles Lester developed from the controls of each individual in the case.

The column containing Rivera's profile is green, Lindsey's blue, Flaco's purple.

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